The Nose
As a passioned plastic surgeon, I believe there is no other procedure that gives me more joy and satisfaction than performing a rhinoplasty and seeing how much it transforms everything for a person. Rhinoplasty is not just about changing your nose; it's about transforming how you feel about yourself. Whether you seek refinement, correction, or a transformation, rhinoplasty can help you achieve your goals.
Nose Transformation
Rhinoplasty is and has always been considered one of the most difficult and technical procedure in plastic surgery. Having another person change your appearance is something that takes a lot of courage and requires you to have faith in your doctor’s skills. More than that, we must always remember that each face is unique and so each technique must be tailored to accordingly.
A beautiful nose is one that breathes well. If you choose to have your surgery with me you must know that you will be able to breathe much better after the procedure. Modern advancements in plastic surgery makes it so we do not have to use uncomfortable nose tamponades or meshes. Individual, personalized techniques make it possible for us to attain life changing results by using a closed approach with no visible scars present on the outside of the nose. This makes the recovery even easier and gives you the chance to enjoy your result even faster.
Because of the rapid advancements in global plastic surgery it is possible now to achieve a balanced and proportioned result only through tiny scars that are well hidden inside the nose, the so-called closed rhinoplasty. That makes up most of my practice but it is not always the case. All surgeries have the same goal which is to create more beauty through harmonizing facial features, improve functionality and correct problems which might disturb the normal respiration process. This might also include treatments of septum deviations. If present, they are always resolved during your rhinoplasty surgery.
Even though the goal is the same, the technique used for each patient may vary in regards to certain steps which may include modification of the nasal hump or dorsum, the nasal bones, the septum or the tip. All modifications are well explained during our initial consultation where we will both have the chance to discuss if a surgery is indicated in your case or not. Rest assured that my practice is well aware of how much trust a person must have in order to allow a doctor to make any modification to their face so all cases are treated with the upmost respect.
The Process
First of all, it is important that a good relationship is established and everything is communicated in a comprehensive manner. This happens during our initial consultation where you will be listened to very carefully and you will be given every possible information available with a strong scientific background. Nothing will be left to chance. My job is to provide you with the natural beauty you desire in total safety and tranquility.
After that and if we both agree that you are a good candidate for surgery we will decide together on a day when that could happen, depending on availability. Before the surgery you will need to provide some blood tests and you will also need to have a consultation with an anesthesiologist as the surgery takes place under general anesthesia. After the surgery you will have a soft dressing on the nose which will be changed by me after 5 days. There will no meshes, casts or tubes and you will be back home on the same day. And that is basically it for the hard part.
Having a rhinoplasty might transform your life immediately. The normal healing process takes about 10 to 14 days until the initial stage is completed. In this first step the nose will remain hidden under the soft and comfortable brown tape. There will be no cast, no tubes and no meshes. During this period it is normal for the nose to be swollen, stuffed or just weird feeling. Frequently, but not always, there is some mild bruising or swelling usually under the eyes. This is something that is out of our control and it usually goes away in about 7-10 days. Pain is usually not involved but anti-inflammatory and antibiotic medicines are prescribed. The majority of patients mostly describe a congestion feeling more than a pain sensation.
Normally, I recommend my patients to take it easy for a about a week after which they can start having a more normal routine again. The shape is more or less defined after 14 days but the final healing process continues for up to 4 months or even sooner. During this period, it is absolutely normal for the nose to either swell or go down in size from time to time as the tissues settle in their new position. In the most exceptional cases, this healing process might last a little longer and you can still see improvements even after 12 months.
Risks & Complications
In some cases, additional surgical or nonsurgical procedures may be necessary to correct any complications that arise. But you must remember that even if complications happen, it is important that you have a surgeon that has handled them before and knows how to avoid them.
The short story is, complications can happen regardless of how perfect the surgery is. Knowing how to deal with them in a gracious and easy way is something that depends on your surgeon and his experience.
Nose healing is a complicated process that sometimes might take more time than other plastic surgeries. This sometimes causes bruises or swelling to be present for a bit longer than usual. Unfortunately, there is not much that can be done to treat these conditions but just wait a while until the body takes care of it naturally. Because of the long time frame, tissue swelling might mask small imperfections that still need correcting. More than that, tissue inflammation influences the way the scars settle, and biological fibrosis might cause irregularities. Any minor correction that is needed or even a secondary surgery is done free of charge, usually under local anesthesia but it is not always the case. Sometimes a secondary surgery might be required under general anesthesia but it is also included in the initial price.
Lastly, like any other surgery that is done under general anesthesia there are risks associated. These will be very well explained by our experienced anesthesiologist. All surgeries take place in our state of the art clinic in Bucharest.
Important Questions
No, a nose surgery does not hurt. The procedure is not considered painful. After the surgery you might feel a minor discomfort and inflammation in the treated area. Every patient has a different tolerance for pain, although most people only experience minimal discomfort following surgery. The feeling of being “stuffed” is more disorienting than bothersome for most patients.
This is by far the most asked question. Because of advancements in global techniques which have evolved to a more preserving and conservative approach, recovery has been substantially shortened. I advise my patients to plan a week off from work, school or other obligations. Most swelling and bruising disappears after 14 days but the final healing process takes about 3-4 months during which your nose might swell a little from time to time. Recovery times may always vary from person to person and in some cases it can take up to a year for the result to be final.
Breathing through your nose immediately after a rhinoplasty is always possible. You will not receive any nasal meshes or tamponades and the airways will be free.
Correcting a deviated septum or a septoplasty is always included in a rhinoplasty procedure if it is needed. Once realigned, it contributes greatly to the improvement of the breathing process and to the enhancement of the natural nose aesthetics.
The surgery usually takes about 90-120 minutes from start to finish depending on what is needed in each case.
A surgery that is done well with a keen attention to maintaining nasal support without disrupting the normal anatomy too much should remain stable for your whole life and evolve accordingly with the rest of your face. Avoiding procedures that disrupt tissues such as wide dissections guarantees that even after years, unless there is a significant damage, the nose retains its ultimate shape.
As long as the glasses you are wearing are not heavy and they are not pushing hard on the nose than that is absolutely ok. If you must wear glasses that are more on the heavy side, you might need to tape them to your forehead in order to ease the weight that you might put on the nose.
The surgical tape that is put on the nose has the clear role to help your tissues heal in the correct manner and shape that we achieve during our surgery. This needs to happen for about 10-14 days after which you will not need them anymore.
I'm deeply passionate about closed rhinoplasty, mainly because it leaves no visible scars on the nose's surface and it guarantees a faster recovery. However, in exceptional instances, like with secondary rhinoplasties, a minor incision on the columella can prove beneficial for reconstructing the nasal cartilage and bone structure.
Preservation Rhinoplasty represents the pinnacle of surgical advancements in the field of aesthetic nasal surgery. This approach enables the excision of a nasal dorsal hump while meticulously safeguarding the integrity of nasal cartilage, bone, and ligamentous structures. The elevation and refinement of the nasal tip are achieved through the application of cutting-edge suturing techniques, notably the Polygon Tip Plasty method. As a result of these tissue-conserving procedures, patients experience diminished postoperative edema, leading to a swifter recuperation period.
Ultrasonic or piezo instruments are high impact mechanized instruments that are used in order to disrupt nasal bones in a direct and controlled fashion. My practice focuses on a more conservative way of doing rhinoplasty which guarantees a smoother and faster recovery. Piezo instruments require a larger dissection around the nose and most of the time through an open approach which takes a bigger toll on the patient. It is very important to me that my patients have the easiest and fastest recovery possible.
In the first 2 weeks after the surgery your nose is very sensitive and can swell up very easily after any physical activity so it would be best to avoid it completely, if possible. Light exercises can be resumed after 2 weeks but contact sports or impact sports should be avoided for 3 months.
To ensure a comfortable sleep after rhinoplasty, it's best to adopt a specific sleeping position. The recommended position is lying on your back with your head elevated. This approach helps reduce post-rhinoplasty congestion and swelling. Sleeping on your side may not be ideal since you won't be able to blow your nose while asleep, potentially leading to blocked nostrils and discomfort due to congestion. After 3 weeks sleeping on the side is allowed, as long as you do not exert too much pressure on the nose.
Pricing The Nose
60 €
While the internet is a wonderful source of information, a live consultation is always needed in order to discuss each unique situation. During this opportunity we will have sufficient time to address all your questions or doubts and you will receive direct and clear answers in person.
3700 €
This procedure is done under general anesthesia. It involves aesthetic surgery as well as functional surgery regarding the septum. The price involves the procedure, the anesthesia, overnight stay at the clinic if it is needed, the medicine and all post-op checkups.
5500 €
This procedure is done under general anesthesia. It involves aesthetic surgery as well as functional surgery regarding the septum or any other additional reconstruction. The price involves the procedure, the anesthesia, overnight stay at the clinic if it is needed, the medicine and all post-op checkups.
Before | After
Witness the artistry of our skilled surgeons and the incredible journey of confidence and beauty. Click the button below to reveal the breathtaking before-and-after images in our nose enhancement section. Experience the power of personalized transformations and discover the possibilities that await you.